Tips & Advice

Each banner below is linked to an article that gives tips/advice on an assortment of techniques and supplies the author used to finish that particular Black Heart bust or wall-hanger.  Most of the authors are accomplished artists, painters and/or hobbyists, and many of them are award-winning modelers.  Some are professional modelers that do commission work for collectors, for producers and for exhibitors.  Others are writers for hobby magazines and websites.  Still others are Black Heart customers wanting to share their experience painting a Black Heart bust or to share things they've learned. The authors have diverse backgrounds, diverse interests, varying degrees of experience and artistic talent.  Some paint primarily with an airbrush while others prefer hand-painting their busts.

Each article is character-specific but the techniques highlighted or presented in one article can be applied to many other characters and projects.  In the coming months, we will publish new articles focusing on specific features (e.g., eyes, hair, clothing, African American flesh) and effects (e.g., rust and other weathering techniques, gray scale, metallics) and media (e.g., transparent paint, metallic wax, oil paint, pastel chalks, decals, watercolors).

Click on one of the banners below and enjoy the articles.  We hope you find them helpful.  And, if you have suggestions for future articles, please email us at


Abner Marin's Angelique by Saul Alvarez
Abner Marin's Angelique by Paul Gill & Mark Van Tine
Abner Marin's Caracolilla by Rusty Nail
Abner Marin's Caracolilla by Steve Riojas
Alien (Xenophilia) by Rick Cantu
Bride of Frankenstein (She's Alive!) by John Allred
Bride of Frankenstein (Sister to Sister) by Conny Valentina
Bride of Frankenstein (This Ain't Your Daddy's Bride) by Greg McKellar
Bride of Frankenstein (This Ain't Your Daddy's Bride) by Greg McKellar


Colonist by Matsugoro
Colonist by Neil Vickers
The Creature from the Black Lagoon by Jeff Camp
Curse of the Werewolf by Fred Disanto (The Eyes Have It, Too)
Cyclops by Saul Alvarez
The Death Dealer by Jeff Camp
Dracula by Greg McKellar (I Don't Drink Wine)
Dracula by Steve Parke
Dracula by Ali Abdullah (There will be Blood)
Dracula by Ali Abdullah (There will be Blood)


Frankenstein (Groovin' on the Groom) by Conny Valentina
GIllman (Real Men Love Gillmen) by Rick Cantu
GIllman (Real Men Love Gillmen) by Saul Alvarez
Gillman (Real Men Love Gillmen) by Martin Garratt
Godzilla by Kenny Caruso (Ken Kong vs Godzilla)
Godzilla by Jim Lawrence (King of the Monsters)
The Gorgon by Jeff Camp
Green Goblin by Greg McKellar


Karloff Tribute (Tribute to Karloff) by Troy Naeyaert
Karloff Tribute (Tribute to Karloff) by Troy Naeyaert
Lovecraft Tormented by John Allred
Lovecraft Tormented by John Allred
Lovecraft Tribute (The Stars Are Right) by GeoS
Lovecraft Tribute (The Colour Mythos) by Dave Kinney
Lovecraft Tribute (There's Something About Mary) by Mary Miller


MASCHINENMENSCH and The Whore of Babylon
Medusa Turn to Stone by Steve Parke
Medusa If Looks could Kill by Martin Garratt
Mr. Hyde (The Doctor is Insane) by Saul Alvarez
Mummy by John Allred
Mummy by Tony Krerowicz
Nosferatu by Daniel Martinez Munoz
Nosferatu by David Fisher
Nosferatu by Greg Mckellar
Predator (How Annette Got Her Groove Back) by Annette Smith
Predator (The Elder Statesman) by Jim Lawrence
Predator (To Catch a Predator) by Dave Lesko
P.O.D. by Dave Prosser


The Reptile (Ssssssss) by Greg McKellar
The Reptile by Steve Parke
Bram Stoker Tribute (In BLoody Color) by Jim Capone
Terminator by John Allred
The Thing by John Allred
The Thing (The Eyes Have It) by Fred DiSanto
The Thing from Another World by Greg McKellar
The Thing (I Nailed A Thing from Another World) by Rusty Nail
T. Rex (King of the Dinosaurs) by Martin Garratt
T. Rex (King of the Dinosaurs) by Martin Garratt


Werewolf of London by Dan Jorgenson
Werewolf of London Randy Pavatte
The Wolf Man by Jeff Camp
The Wolf Man by Gordon Oberman